NOTICE: No new content has been added since Animal Rescue Korea closed in 2014. Phone numbers, email addresses, shelter policies, and other details may be out of date. Information is kept for historical purposes only.
People involved in animal rescue are, on a whole, loving and caring people. Most of our efforts and affections are directed at the animals that we rescue, as it should be. Today, though, something of a revelation came to me. Our Korean rescue counterparts are appreciated, to be sure, but do we show that we appreciate them enough? After all, it's their efforts that often provide the initial haven. They're the ones that have to deal with all the red tape, the grouchy Korean neighbors, and the incompetent-but-trying foreigners (namely, me). They clean up animal feces on a regular basis, and are (regarding dogs) subject to regular and often shrill barking anytime anything slightly out of the ordinary happens. They are forced to keep several parties happy at once, and probably feel like nothing more than dancing bears - hat, collar, chain, humiliation and all - on a regular basis. Similar to a dancing bear, they're often a one person show, doing most of the work during the week while the rest of us are making the money to provide donations and assistance.
So, next time you visit your local animal shelter, it's not a bad idea to bring a little something to your Korean co-rescuer. I don't really speak Korean, but I brought mine some plums that are in season. She might hate plums, I don't know - but the smile on her face suggested it was more than worth it.
Jul 01, 2012 10:36
What a great idea! Thank you for making a valid and easy to miss point!
Jul 10, 2012 01:51
Great post, Meg.
Bringing a small gift (usually of food!) is very important to both show Korean rescuers your appreciation, and also to show that you are committed to them and their efforts.
One thing I've learned from a colleague at KAPS is that it's best to bring the food exactly as it is sold -- no need to transfer it out of that small black plastic bag. If you want to get fancy... know that you don't have to!