Healthy heart for Bim

Let me tell you Bim's story, it is an amazing story of one very lucky homeless little dog in Korea.

On Friday, Feb, 15th, Natalya and her husband were driving home somewhere on a busy road near Suwon. Suddenly a tiny badly matted dog appeared on the side of the road and started crossing the road, not paying any attention to the cars around him.

The next moment Natalya and her husband saw some car that went past them at speed (they said not less than 100km/h), hit the dog, and left. The dog wasn't moving. Like it wasn't bad enough that he got hit by a car - he ended up in the way of oncoming traffic! Natalya had just a few seconds to leave her car, run to him, and grab him before cars from oncoming traffic would hit the body again. First she thought the dog was dead, but a few seconds later he tried to open his eyes! He was bleeding, but alive! The next step was to find a vet. X-ray, general check up, the vet stopped bleeding: result - the dog is fine. Not a single broken bone! Can you believe it? The vet also said that the dog probably spent a lot of time on the street: he was badly matted and looked really abandoned.

After the vet Natalya brought the dog home. They gave him a bath, cut some really bad mats, and let the dog to rest.
The next visit to the vet brought one bad news – Bim tested positive for heart worms.

We found another vet, in Daejeon, that agreed to treat Bim, keep him at his clinic for 1 month and give us a good discount!
He will start heart worm treatment on March, 12th, Tue.
Bim was diagnozed with the 2nd stage of h/w.
There will be 7 days of premedicine treatment, 2 shots in 24 hour interval will be given after that. 1 month later - the 3rd shot. He will be tested for heart worms again (final test) 2 months after that.

Please help us to nurse Bim back to health! To start a new life he needs a healthy strong heart.

Our goal is to raise 450,000 won:
- Heart worm treatment: 300,000 won,
- Boarding: 150,000 won.

Bank info: Woori bank, 1002-240-455293, Park Hyun Joo.

Thank you.

Bim's adoption thread:

If you would like to learn more about Bim, contact me at [email protected]. Thank you!

Tags: heartworm disease, heartworm treatment


Sofia's picture

Just a little bit of magic.

Sofia's picture

Bim's health record

Sofia's picture

Natalya, Bim's guardian angel, is an amazing person. Not only she saved this little dog, sponsored his health check and took care of him since the day of his rescue, but she also donated 100.000 won for Bim's treatment! Thank you!

Raised: 100.000 won.
To go: 350.000 won.

Bank info: Woori bank, 1002-240-455293, Park Hyun Joo.
If you can help us, Thank You!
If you can't help financially, please share this event, Thank You!

Karen's picture

How's Bim doing? Are you closer to gathering the full amount for his vet bills? Hope so!

Sofia's picture

Raised: 450.000 won!
Thank you, Gulina Nataliya, Antonio Domene Caballero, Rob Smith, Sujin Kim, Shelley P.-J., Eibhlin Ni Fhallamhain and Elissa Jo Roberts!

Thanks to YOU all we reached our 450,000 won donation goal!

Karen's picture

That's great news! Congrats!