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For pet owners, detecting heartworm in their pets is a challenge because the disease is progressive, and treatment is expensive. For pet foster parents, detecting heartworm in their foster pets is even a bigger challenge.
Let me introduce you to Lena. Lena is a stunning English Setter.
At some point of her life she ended up in an overcrowded rural pound. Hundreds of animals never have a chance to leave a death row alive. Lena was not one of them.
This dog def. has guardian angels. Someone spotted her on website and posted the link on Animal Rescue Korea FB page. People started commenting. As the result Lena was rescued and moved to a no-kill shelter.
It took us some time to find a foster home for Lena. Wonderful young lady fell in love with Lena and decided to help her - she is taking a great care of this beautiful Setter.
Unfortunately, Lena tested positive for heartworms.
The treatment was started right away. So far Lena is doing well and her foster mama is seeing her every day. She decided to keep her at the vet for one more week, as she seems quite calm there and the vets really like her and are taking great care of her. They are being extremely careful about keeping her heart rate down. Lena should be ready to start "real life" post-heartworm by the end of August.
Lena already gained a couple of kilos and her coat is much shinier and her eyes are much clearer. She is very sweet and everyone just loves her.
Lena’s foster mom paid all bills (boarding, tests, X-ray, heartworm pre-medicine, treatment for the dog’s skin, flea treatment, etc.) for Lena herself, but she needs our help with paying for two Immiticide shots that are going to be 480,000 won.
We know that life is busy and budgets are tight, but we hope that you are able to help us by making a small donation. Lena and her foster mom certainly appreciate it.
Lena is grateful that she was given a new chance at life!
We have high hopes for a full recovery for this sweet girl! Please consider becoming a part of Lena’s recovery.
Every little bit counts...literally! And every donation, large or small, helps!
Our goal: 480,000 won.
Bank info: 1) Woori bank, 1002-240-455293, Park Hyun Joo, 2) paypal option is available.
Nobody wants their dogs to have these worms inside of them - a dog's heart is one of the things we love most about them.
Lena’s adoption profile:
Aug 03, 2013 08:55
Lena's original listing
Aug 03, 2013 08:55
At the vet in Seoul
Aug 03, 2013 09:12
We received 100,000 won donation for Lena.
This donation was made in memory of a dear friend Johnnie.
To go: 380.000 won.
Aug 14, 2013 08:07
Raised: 328.000 won. To go: 152.000 won.
Please consider helping Lena's foster mom to pay a huge bill.
Fostering isn't always easy.
Aug 23, 2013 11:31
Raised: 328.000 won + 30.000 won + 50.000 won + 110.000 won = 518.000 won!!!
Plus donation from Stephanie I. and Spencer F.!
We made it again!!!
Thank you all!