NOTICE: No new content has been added since Animal Rescue Korea closed in 2014. Phone numbers, email addresses, shelter policies, and other details may be out of date. Information is kept for historical purposes only.
Squeak is one very inquisitive and loving kitten!!! He loves to play for hours and fall over into a nap to build up his energy for the next game of chase. He is doing a lot better understanding that toys are for wrestling and people are for cuddling and getting food. He loves to climb on my shoulder to purr and groom me a few times a day. He's more interested in exploring than hiding so you know Squeak will be wherever you are so he doesn't miss out on anything. Squeak would LOVE to become the center of someone's universe!
Squeak is still trying to be patient until his perfect family finds him. Squeak is litter trained, learning that nail clipping is good and is a huge ball of energy. His favorite toy to chase is an old Emart ribbon so you know that he even likes to be economical. When Squeak gets tired, he wants a lap or a shoulder to curl up on and snuggle. Please consider Squeak when you are looking for a new addition to your family. He's a wonderful kitten and deserves a family of his own.
Squeak is now confirmed to be a boy and is enjoying having dogs around that he can tease and play chase with. His favorite hobby is play attacking a dog until it chases him and he can run to me pretending to be innocent. Squeak is perfectly healthy and ha stared on his vaccinations this week. He has typical kitten energy and loves to play with everything. He is being trained to allow someone to trim his nails and loves anyone who will play with him. Please consider giving this adorable, loving baby a home! He would love you forever.
Squeak was a feral kitten found by a nice lady in Seoul on December, 11, 2013. He was found in the snow behind some bushes in the park.
When Squeak was brought home, he was very frightened - they knew he had never had contact with humans. But 3 hours later Squeak became completely different kitten. He calmed down and is not afraid of people anymore. Squeak is still a little bit shy, but has come quite a long way and now enjoys scratches behind his ears and relaxing on a lap. AND, he has the cutest little face in the entire Universe.
Squeak uses his litter box (they fill it with paper, and he likes it!).
Health status: about 2 month old, healthy and will get shots and wormed next week, has good appetite.
If you would like to foster or adopt Squeak, please contact us at [email protected]. Thank you!
Foster/adoption application can be found here:
Dear Squeak,
we are so happy that you are safe and warm and no longer living outside in the snow. We hope that you find your forever home TOMORROW! We send you many little kisses.
Dec 13, 2013 06:58
~ I am a forever cat. Not just a "cute kitten" ~
Dec 20, 2013 03:33
Cuddle with me-e!
Dec 22, 2013 06:33
December 2013
Dec 28, 2013 01:47
December 2013