NOTICE: No new content has been added since Animal Rescue Korea closed in 2014. Phone numbers, email addresses, shelter policies, and other details may be out of date. Information is kept for historical purposes only.
Update: November 2013
After a trial adoption it is now official! Stormy has been adopted by a wonderful family and even has some doggy siblings to play with. Thank you so much to his new family and of course, to his fabulous foster mom Sara, for saving this guy's life. Congratulations!!
Update: 27 Sept 2013
Seriously! This dog is pretty much perfect! Why hasn't he been snapped up yet?!
Stormy is a wonderful dog! He currently pees and poops outside, although I put a pee pad out at night for him to use if he needs to go while I'm asleep. He actually hasn't needed it at night for about a week, which is excellent! He hasn't had any pee accidents in my apartment since the first week I took him in - and even then it was just a little marking. If you would prefer for him to use pads to do his business on a regular basis, he does know how to use them so that shouldn't be a problem- although I really recommend just taking him on walks for that :)
He LOVES to be outside and exercise! He's able to go on pretty frequent walks, and he can walk for a loooooong time. He does have a LOT of energy, but he also knows when it's time to settle down and be calm. I think he would love to go on hikes! His favorite thing to do outside is run around in grass and through the plants along the river, so I imagine he would enjoy hikes a lot.
Stormy always has a lot of energy when I come home from work or running errands. When I let him out of his fence he runs over to my bed, jumps up, and does this little "pet me, pet me!!!" dance on his hind legs. It's adorable. I wouldn't characterize him as needy, although he WILL bark if he feels like you haven't given him enough attention in awhile, especially when you first come home. We're working hard on not barking for attention (you basically just have to completely ignore him), and his barking has gotten soooooo much better than when I first started fostering him. Now he mostly barks at the dogs across the hall - there are three in one apartment directly across from me, and when they start barking he tends to chime in. I'm working on teaching him "quiet" in those situations. Now if he starts barking at people or dogs outside, I give a firm "quiet," and he'll stop.
If you also like to cuddle, Stormy is definitely the dog for you. He's such a sweetheart. If I'm watching TV or reading, he likes to come lay in bed with me or next to me on the floor. He doesn't mind being held, and will gladly take a nap next to you if you let him. I don't let him sleep in bed next to me at night, but I know he would jump on the opportunity if you let him!
One thing to note is that he's not crate trained, but he IS puppy-fence trained. He stays in a fence/pen enclosure at night and while I'm at work, and he's really good at being in there.
Stormy is a very funny dog. I don't think a day goes by when he doesn't make me laugh! He hops when he runs- like a deer or a rabbit! He loves his squeaky toys, and likes to play with them on the edge of my bed or couch. Then he drops them on the floor, and he can't figure out how to get them back to play with more! He also likes to bring my shoes to me- he doesn't chew them, he'll just trot over to the doorway, pick one up, and drop it in the middle of my kitchen. Too funny!
He hasn't tried to eat anything on low shelves in my apartment, and he doesn't chew cords, shoes, clothes, or plants. He is really good with kids, and he doesn't mind strangers. I've had a couple friends petsit him recently during vacations, and they both said he did very well in their apartments. He didn't have any accidents at either of their houses, and settled in nicely. They both loved him :)
Update: 19 Sept 2013
Check this out! The little man was neutered recently & here is an update from his foster mom:
Stormy has been recovering nicely from his neuter surgery! The vet told me he could walk home (just a few blocks) when I picked him up afterwards, but he was acting like a drunk old sailor so I carried him home after half a block He was pretty funny! He was also super cuddly afterwards, so I wasn't complaining. My vet mentioned his one tiny testicle, and said it was most likely caused by a dog or HUMAN biting them when he was very little. Poor sweet little boy
He's currently wearing a super-fashionable cone, and he's not sure what to think about it! He's not so happy that it limits his ability to sniff the world when we go on walks. He keeps ducking his head down and then knocking it into the sidewalk or coming up with a scoop of dirt. It's both funny and endearing. He looks at me afterwards like, "Moooooooom, can't I take this off yet?! It's so annoying!!" Soon, buddy, soon.
He's already been marking trees and walls less since being neutered. It seems every day he gets better at it! He hasn't marked my apartment since the first week- progress! The little man is doing great!
Update: 6 Sept 2013
Stormy is 100% up-to-date on his vaccinations, including his CaniFlu! He will also be neutered next Tuesday (10th). His foster mom says:
Stormy got a bath today in preparation for staying with a friend this weekend. He was such a trooper! He stayed very calm while I was shampooing him up and hosing him down. In fact, he didn't move AT ALL the whole time! He was also unphased when I pulled out the blow drying to dry him off. He just sat calmly on the toilet, cool as a cucumber. Now he smells all clean and fresh What a great pup!
Update: 31 August 2013
Stormy is super lucky to have a wonderful foster mom! He is absolutely thriving in foster care. Here is his latest update from Sara:
Just wanted to send you a quick update/encouraging words about Stormy- my friend Brittany was over at my apartment tonight and she said Stormy seemed much more relaxed and warm/friendly today than when she saw him the first week in my home it was great to hear! I've definitely noticed that he's been a lot more lovely and cuddly. Of course, he is a yorkie so he still has lots of energy, but now he's more apt to come rub up against people and ask to be pet or held. So great to see!
Update: 26 August 2013
Stormy will have one more CaniFlu injection on the 4th of September and then he will be 100% up-to-date with vaccinations! Awesome foster mom! Thanks Sara!
He also went on a walk with his foster mom and her friend's little boy. Stormy was extremely well-behaved and unphased at the millions of pats the little boy wanted to give him. :)
He really is an awesome doggy. He loves to play with his squeaky bone and jump around on my bed! After he's got out all his energy, he loves to just lay in bed with me and take a nap while I watch tv or mark homework! He's pretty adorable :)
He's also great about not having accidents in the apartment. He DOES mark the apartment sometimes as he's not neutered yet, but it's never full-blown peeing. He's great about using the peepad at night, and he has never pooped in the apartment.
Update: 18 August 2013
Lucky little Stormy went into foster care a week ago AND got a new hairdo. Check out his transformation! :) Now we can see those lovely eyes of his and his playful personality is starting to shine. His fabulous foster mom has this to say about him:
Stormy is still doing great! He's adjusting very well to being in my home. He gets a little barky when the dogs across the hall from me bark, and sometimes when he wants attention. I just ignore him and it seems to be a getting a little better. His separation anxiety has improved a lot! He no longer freaks out when I leave the apartment, so that's good! He has had some episodes of marking my apartment, but no full on accidents. He's really good about peeing on the peepad only if he has to go overnight.
He's such a funny dog... He likes to leap over the blankets on my bed like a rabbit! It always makes me laugh. And he's being so cute right now, just laying next to me with his head on my leg :)) he LOVES relaxing on my bed, although I don't let him sleep on it. He does get very excited and jumpy when I first come home, but then he loves to just lay down next to me. I can't get over how cute he is!
He still doesn't like to eat his kibble without wet food mixed in, but I'm slowly decreasing the amount of wet food in the hopes he gets used to just the kibble. He also doesn't seem very interested in treats, although he does love when I give him a little peanut butter.
He loves exploring on our walks, I wish we had more green space for him in Korea! He also loves that blue squeaky dog bone- he carries it all over the apartment while squeaking it! His last stop on the apartment tour is always to jump up on the couch and look at me like "look mom, look at my cool toy!" Man I love him!
Thank you Sara for taking such great care of the little guy until he finds his perfect forever home! :)
Stormy is a tiny little Yorkie who was rescued from the Osan City Pound by Mr Park. A kind volunteer sponsored Stormy to go straight to the vet for a full health check and a week of boarding because he was is such bad condition.
Stormy is severely underweight & needs to be fed some high-quality food. Other than that he is heartworm negative & his antibody levels are high so he only needs one booster, which he received today. He was also given a Heartguard. He is not yet neutered.
He has a sweet personality & will love you for the rest of his life. Please give this baby a chance!
(Better photos coming soon!)
If you can foster Stormy, please read the guidelines here: then complete the form here: and send it to me via e-mail.
If you would like to give this boy a forever home, please read these adoption guidelines: then complete the form here: and send it to me via e-mail.
Jul 10, 2013 04:57
Stormy is a very sweet boy! Please consider him!
Aug 31, 2013 10:57
Look at his transformation thanks to a great foster home! <3
Sep 01, 2013 10:24
He's a great pup!! I'm going to miss him so much when he gets adopted :( :) but I hope it's soon- this guy really deserves a forever home; he'll be a wonderful addition to any family!
Sep 01, 2013 10:34
He looks so beautiful and happy!! :)
Sep 12, 2013 08:03
Just a quick update- Stormy was neutered this past Tuesday! He's been rocking the cone for the past couple of days, and hasn't quite figured out how to explore the great outdoors with it yet, but it makes for some pretty funny walks :) He's been marking the trees and such a lot less since being neutered, and he hasn't marked my apartment once since the first week he was with me! He's come so far!!! Now he just needs a forever home :)
Sep 16, 2013 07:17
This is Stormy's sleepy face. Isn't he just adorable?! Won't someone please give this cutie a forever home?!?!
Sep 16, 2013 07:18
Sorry it's sidewise! It's right side up on my phone, but won't upload with the right orientation :( still cute!
Sep 16, 2013 07:27
Such an angel! This little one won't be on this site too long! :)
Sep 30, 2013 09:21
Stormy is still patiently waiting! I think he gets cuter every day. His hair is growing back nicely since his haircut in August.
Nov 22, 2013 02:05
After a trial adoption it is now official! Stormy has been adopted by a wonderful family and even has some doggy siblings to play with. Thank you so much to his new family and of course, to his fabulous foster mom Sara, for saving this guy's life. Congratulations!!
Nov 22, 2013 02:57
I love the picture of the three of them! Thanks for such a great update, Clare! :)