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Hello, my name is Dabi. I am a long haired dachshund who was abandoned by my owner in 2011 as I am paralyzed. I am a loving guy with a real sweet nature. Please can someone take me home forever or at least foster me? I have been here at the clinic for over two years. I know it will take a real special human to adopt me as I am special needs dog but please open your heart and arms to me! I am HW negative.
January 10th My buddy, Ippeun, got fostered tonight by her foster mom, Deborah. I would love also to be in a new home in a new bed too. Please think of fostering or adopting me.
Here I am a late Valentines' Day gift's for someone!
Wonderful news! Dabi was adopted yesterday and headed off to her forever with her new mom, Katie, who grew up with dachshunds. I am so happy.
Jan 09, 2014 09:07
How would one take care of a paralyzed dog?
Jan 09, 2014 09:27
Kuragari91 - depending on "how" paralysed the dog is, there are different things you may have to do, but I can attest to the fact that they bring NOTHING BUT JOY! <3 My first foster dog was paralysed & he was such a pleasure to have around. ( A little extra work once you are getting into the swing of things, but after you all get accustomed to each other it is easy as pie. I would encourage anyone to give a paralysed dog (or cat) a chance. :)
Jan 09, 2014 09:29
Louise, could you perhaps elaborate on the degree of paralysis? Can Dabi go to the toilet on his own or does he need human help? Thanks!
Jan 09, 2014 18:58
Dr. Chopi did tell Eva and I last year that Dabi has to be assisted to urinate which whoever fosters or adopts him will have to learn this technique. I did see Dabi on a blanket on the floor then so I think he may be able to pull himself around but I am not sure. Please call Dr. Choi at his clinic at 02) 3443-8275 after 10 a.m. As Dabi's vet, he is the best person to speak to regarding the answers to your questions. There is also Epun (Ippun) who can get around on his bottom (see videos) despite hind legs paralysed. I really hope both dogs can get to a real home after over 2 years each at Cool Pet.
Jan 09, 2014 19:00
Kuragir91: Please contact Clare_bell as I really would Dabi out of the clinic and into a real home ASAP.
Jan 10, 2014 03:48
Please contact Dr. Choi re potential foste rhome - I really really wish Dabi into a home for the first time in years. Dr. Choi and his staff will train any adoptee or fostee how to take care of Dabi.
Jan 10, 2014 08:24
I saw Dabi today and the pictures don't do him justice, he's a gorgeous dog! He does need help with bathroom functions but it's not a difficult task.
Jan 10, 2014 08:38
I will ask Dr. Choi or anyone who visits Cool Pet to sne dme or post better pictures and videos.^^ A picture is worth a thousand words!
Jan 23, 2014 03:28
Dabi still is looking out to be fostered or adopted. Ippeun was fostered and is doing amazing with his 'foster' mom. All you need to be shown is how to express urine and the feedback from Ippeun's mom is that is easy.
Jan 23, 2014 03:37
I'm Ippeun's foster mom and please don't be put off by needing to express urine for Dabi. I was intimidated at first but after a couple of demonstrations at the vet, I got into the swing of things and now it's as routine as picking up after my able-bodied dogs. Dabi's been stuck in a cage for more than two years now :( Somebody please give him a chance!