NOTICE: No new content has been added since Animal Rescue Korea closed in 2014. Phone numbers, email addresses, shelter policies, and other details may be out of date. Information is kept for historical purposes only.
12 weeks old puppy (mother was adopted while pregnant 3 months ago).
Young and healthy.
Loves to play with you.
Scrappy is is a healthy tigger. His sisters were adopted so he is feeling left out. He wants his forever home with you today.
He is a healthy and energetic young boy with a fun personality. If you want a little buddy, scrappy is your puppy!
This little explorer loves to give you little licks on the chin as he dashes off to explore this young, new world. Then he comes back to give you more before he darts off to his next adventure. He has a fun routine of raising his paw to give you a high-five to tell you how much he likes you.
He has a playful personality and enough positive energy to make him your perfect companion. He'll love the challenge of keeping up with you on short walks and hikes as a puppy. He is perfectly healthy and wants you to give him a forever home today. Call Dan and adopt him now.
Jan 07, 2012 10:40
Hello! My husband & I were wondering if Scrappy was still available? I sent you an email earlier! Thanks!