
Quick Bio

Age: Young (1-3 years old)
Gender: Female
Breed: Maltese
Size: Small (under 7kg)
Colour: White
  • Up-to-date with vaccinations
  • Good with dogs
  • Walks well on leash
Adoption Status: Adopted

UPDATE: 2/15.. Alexis has recieved her health check, with vaccinations and is HEARTWORM NEGATIVE!!!

Update 1/22.. Alexis is continuing to get more timid as the days progress. Shes a wonderful dog who needs someone to give her 1:1 attention and help her feel safe. She gets easily nervous around other dogs and it causes her to "shell up". She likes to stay by herself, but will open up with someone gently petting and talking to her. If you have a quiet home, and want to make a positive impact in a special dogs life.. please consider Alexis; Check out her videos below shes a doll.

Update 1/15.. Come visit!! I want a family to call my own, and a special person that will love my uniqueness. How could anyone resist my charming face and adorable underbite?! I just want a chance.. Close your eyes (imagine me all clean, warm, and snuggled up in your arms!).. good image isnt it? For now, I'll keep dreaming.. wishes do come true :)

Why not come by and meet Alexis? Shes a teeny pup, quiet, and loves to be adored by all her shelter volunteer "fans". This darling little girl caught my eye because of her cute underbite, and lay-low personality. I didnt even know that she was in her pen, until her blanket started moving around.. from that point, it was lots of snuggling and love from this girl.

Shes not the over-engerized puppy, but rather a hang around the house and watch a movie kind of girl. Are you ready for a popcorn and movie companion? Alexis asked that I relay her 2012 resolution to all her friends out there; a good bath, some yummy food, warm bed, and maybe a new toy.. and most importantly; someone that will love her forever and help her start her new life. Please help this girl get out of the shelter.. she doesnt like shelter like too much.

If interested in meeting Alexis for a possible possible foster or adoption; please contact Sofia at

Adoption Fee: ₩50,000
Location: Asan - 아산
Living Situation: In a shelter


julie's picture

How long has Alexis been at the shelter?
Does she get on well with sm
all dogs?

clare_bell's picture

Awesome write-up Stephanie! Thanks! I also fell in love with that little face - she's adorable! I hope someone will take her home with them :)

stefaniee's picture

Julie, Hi -- Thanks for the inquiry about Alexis!! I will double check all your questions with another volunteer whos been with the shelter for awhile, and get back to you soon. How can anyone resist that little face haha

stefaniee's picture

Happy Holidays!! Love, Alexis

Danomano's picture

Was Alexis back in the warm area (stove) this past weekend? I saw several Malteses together. Anyone confirm this?

clare_bell's picture

Poor little Alexis, she's still there, still waiting. And she's SO SMALL!! She's wearing a silly little outfit but she just looks even more adorable :) What a darling! Please someone take her home to a warm place!

Teeny little Alexis, 8 Jan 2012
Sofia's picture


Danomano's picture

This one needs a strong kind protector. Will someone step up?

clare_bell's picture

I spent some time with Alexis today. She has been moved into the big pen with all the other dogs and it's very clear that she gets dominated and out-competed. When all the other dogs were going crazy trying to get at the food, Alexis sat back in the basket and just looked on quietly.

She is such a timid little girl, I wonder what must have happened in her past for her to be so sad and scared. She wouldn't eat any of the tinned food I tried to give her, even though it was only her and I in the room together. She tried to hide in a small kennel but I persisted. At first she wouldn't even let me touch her, but eventually she did as you can see in the video below, which was very rewarding for me.

Alexis would be an amazing pet. I feel that she would fit perfectly into a home where there are no other pets to dominate her and that slowly but surely, with love and patience given every day, she would come out of her shell and that tiny tail would wag again.

Taking Alexis into your home would undoubtedly be a rewarding experince, of that I am sure.

Help me!I'd love a day at the parlour!
Sofia's picture

That was the reason why I moved her from the "pool" long time ago: Liz and Lulu controlled her completely, she was crying non-stop. Poor baby... She isn't a fighter.
Alexis came to Asan shelter with group of other dogs (inc. Liz, Lulu, Maddie and others) from a hoarder. All these 4 were pregnant.
Alexis never had a happy life.

clare_bell's picture

Poor sweet little girl :( So was she also pregnant then? What happened to her puppies?
Maddie got lucky with her foster it's Alexis' turn!

Sofia's picture

All Maddie's puppies died.
And Alexis had her puppy/puppies. I don't remember if they made it and were among all those puppies we had on Oct-Nov or if they didn't...

allisondyoung's picture

Beautiful girl...

MichelleBrook's picture

Alexis is a cuddle bug! SHe needs someone that she can trust and love- what you give her, she'll give back many times over. Please consider Alexis!

turtlegal's picture

Did Alexis get adopted yet?

stefaniee's picture

No, little Alexis is still waiting for a foster/adopter to come scoop her up. Please consider her!!

tatiana's picture

Little girl is still waiting!

Hunt's picture

I would be willing to sponsor spaying Alexis if someone out there could give her a foster home for the recovery+. Maybe being spayed will give her a bit more "appeal".

clare_bell's picture

Geesh, thank you Hunt, that would be totally amazing...I did some fundraising a little while ago for health about this: I use my raised money (170,000) to get her health checked & you sponsor the spay? Then we can "advertise" her and try get her into foster care asap. She needs a break this little one!! And yes, the more appeal the better!!

marlajoy's picture

Hi there! I have been interested in adopting Alexis (and spoke to Sofia Diatchkova) for some time now but thought I couldn't because of my current location on Jindo and the lack of vet care here. But if she could get her basic vet care in Asan then I would love to be able to adopt her since I will only be on the island for a maximum of 6 more months. As long as the basic stuff is out of the way, the rest could wait until I am near a vet that she can have regular access to.

Hunt's picture

That sounds amazing! I would foster her myself, but I have an intact boy who really enjoys his "hump time" to the point, where he has a literal hump-toy, named Frosty-love( big stuffed snowman). If she is very timid, I don't know if he would be the best fit for her. Also, I am considering fostering the real Frosty here if his current foster mom thinks it a good fit for him.

stefaniee's picture

Marlajoy & Hunt.. Great news from both of you! Shes very deserving of all help. Marlajoy, can you follow up with Sofia about the possibility of adopting if the vet care is in place.

marlajoy's picture

yep, already talking to her :)

Hunt's picture

MarlaJoy - You just made my heart smile!

marlajoy's picture

You made mine smile even more!! :)

clare_bell's picture

Alexis went to the vet on Wednesday the 7th of March for her health check which was generously sponsored by Rob Smith. Thank you Rob! The wonderful news is that she is heartworm negative!! And otherwise healthy too! Now all she needs is some TLC :)

Sweet Alexis at the vet for her checkup.
marlajoy's picture

The best news ever!!! Can't wait to bring her home and give her lots of love!! :)

Hunt's picture

Im looking forward to seeing photos of the "new" Alexis and her new Momma!

marlajoy's picture

March 24: the day that Alexis (hopefully!) comes home!!! :)

deborah's picture

Did Alexis get to go home? I hope so...

marlajoy's picture

I'm picking her up this Saturday, March 24th, Deborah. :)

Hunt's picture

MarlaJoy- hoping everything works out for getting Alexis this weekend. Take lots of photos!

marlajoy's picture

Thanks! I will! :)

Sofia's picture

How is it going with Alexis?

clare_bell's picture

Well look who went HOME today!!! :)))

24 March 2012: Alexis going home!!Alexis and her new mom :)
deborah's picture

Fantastic! Does this mean that Mr. Park will accept visitors who are interested in specific dogs?

clare_bell's picture

Hi Deborah,

Yes, I think so...

Hunt's picture

MarlaJoy - you both look so beautiful! Cant wait to hear the updates!

marlajoy's picture

Alexis is settling in so well! She is relaxed and totally making herself at home. Her tail was wagging this morning which was SOOOO nice to see!! :) I'm so glad I was able to give her a home!!

clare_bell's picture

Little sweetheart!! :) YAY!!!

clare_bell's picture

Here is some of the lovely correspondence from Alexis' new mommy :) It warms my heart!

Day 1: "We just got home! Alexis was a trooper for the journey! :) She is currently exploring her new surroundings. The nice thing about living in a house is that she has her very own enclosed yard to play in - she really didn't seem too fond of it though - maybe the wide open space scared her a bit because she just sat in one spot shaking. She has explored every inch of my bedroom though and had a good drink of water so I think that's a good sign. I feel so fortunate to have Alexis in my life! :) "

"After Alexis finished exploring she jumped up on the bed, let out a big sigh and made herself comfortable :) I think she is going to do really well here!"

Day 2: "Clare, Alexis is a new dog already!! I gave her a bath last night and she certainly looks and smells much better! Apart from that though, she is already walking up to me wanting affection, her tail was wagging this morning, and she LOVES when I scratch her chin and rub her belly! :) What a sweet girl!"

End of Day 2: "First full day at home went well. Alexis is becoming more and more comfortable and she was actually almost playful this afternoon! Her fur is surprisingly soft and shiny underneath the layers of oil and dirt! Her face is still looking a little dirty because she REALLY doesn't like when I clean it or touch it. Her tail wags a fair bit although she still tucks it between her legs at certain times. This poor girl must have been treated terribly in the past! If I get up too quickly or do anything to startle her she cowers like I am going to beat her. Also, when I first walk in the room she's in, even if I've only been out of the room for 5 seconds, she also cowers and shakes. She really must have been beaten or something. Poor sweetie."

Hunt's picture

So sad that she cowers, but so happy she wont for long! Also, don't you just hate the dog beds here?! And they are so expensive for what they are!

marlajoy's picture

Alexis and I just had the BEST morning! When she first came home, she was very fearful of being outside and when I put a harness on her she refused to move. she would just sit and shake. Today, only a few days later, we went for a long walk through the countryside. She walked SO well with the harness. She was romping around, tail wagging, sniffing everything, pouncing on weeds and she peed outside for the first time ever!!!!! She seemed so happy that it almost brought me to tears! :) I wish you could have seen it!! The progress she has made is unbelievable! :)

clare_bell's picture

I wish I could've seen it too!! I feel so fuzzy inside hearing her news. Thank you Marla!!

annemariew's picture

Marla, thank you!!! What a wonderful dog mom you are. It is just wonderful that Alexis is with you.

Sofia's picture

How is Alexis doing?

Sofia's picture

"Alexis is doing wonderfully!! She is such an amazing dog! She has transformed from a scared, uncertain, insecure dog that wanted to pee, eat and sleep all in the same place into a confident, happy, healthy, sweet, vibrant, intelligent dog that is so full of love!! Really, she is just so great! She and I both love going for long walks in the countryside or on the mountain.
... every time Alexis sees a dog or cat around town she is SO desperate to run up to them and greet them and be friends with them.
I've attached a couple pictures that I took after I shaved Alexis and finally got rid of the fur mats (I waited a bit until the weather warmed up). The pictures are after the first round of shaving (I did it in two rounds because she didn't like it) so she looks quite patchy but I eventually got her evened out! I think she's adorable anyway! Thanks for asking about her!"


marlajoy's picture

Alexis is still the best dog ever and we are both looking forward to a new addition to our family!! :)

clare_bell's picture


Sofia's picture

