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Hey guys,
***UPDATE 10/15***
I'm glad (and kind of sad) to say MoMo was adopted to a wonderful home. I hope he will be cared for with a lot of love.
I found this guy a while back rummaging through the garbage in front of my house. I sat there and waited for a while hop.g someone would come and claim him but no one came. I extended my hand to him and at first he was hesitant but he came to me. It was kind of late so I took him in. He smelled really badly and had gunk in his eyes. I didn't have any materials so I quickly ran down the block and got some stuff. When I came back he had already made himself at home on my clothes laying on the bed.
I bathed him and the water that came off of him was really black and grey. I dried him off, and gave him a little blanket to lay on. But he, instead, kept following me around and even tried to get on the bed. I sat down on the floor and he quickly got on my lap and fell asleep. The next day, I took him to the local pet shop, market, and finally the vet to see if any of them recognized the dog. Unfortunately, no one knew him. The vet told me that he's the only vet around this area and he had never seen him before.
The vet did a quick assessment of him and said the dog was in very good shape. He was around 4.5 kg and the vet guessed that he was about 2-3 years old at most. He also guessed that the dog had been out on the streets about a week or so. The vet said his heart, ears, legs, and overall body was a in excellent shape and questioned why he was abandoned. He also mentioned that the previous owner got him the anal gland removal surgery (but not neutered). I’m not sure about the vaccines though. The vet mentioned that hes a Shih Tzu.
I asked around and put up a few fliers here and there but no one has claimed him. I would love to keep him, but often travel around during the weekends and can't take him along with me. I would use a pet hotel, but they're quite expensive. He’s extremely calm and loves to be around people (he caused no trouble at the vet and the vet said hes very well behaved even when compared to domesticated animals). He seems to be ok with other animals (based on our trip to the vet), but I’m not a 100% sure. He loves to go out for a walk, play around, or just sunbathe. He seems to understand “sit” in Korean (although sometimes he either ignores me or he doesn't really understand it well) and also the word “no”. He has a very slight underbite but it is barely noticeable. Overall, hes so very calm and a peaceful dog.
I’d like him to go to a loving and caring person who will take very good care of him. I will include the food, leash, pads, shampoo and bowl hes been using, but you will need to come pick him up. I'm willing to bring him on his leash to Gumi bus terminal if needed. He’s been abandoned at least once but still maintains love and loyalty to people. I believe he will make a great pet for anyone.
***UPDATE 10/08/12***
He's been under my care for a while now and hes gotten very affectionate. He craves attention and loves playing around. If he needs to do his business, he sits by the door and waits for his walk. Only in emergencies does he pee indoors, and when he does, he does so on his pad. I left him home for about 18 hours because of work and he pee'd on his pad but didn't poo (although he did do quite a big one when we went out). He's very quiet; he has barked only once while with me. Even when he sees other dogs/cats, the most he does is look at them for a little bit, then he goes about his way. So I assume he is good with other animals.
I feel bad because, I sometimes work long hours and he cries when I leave in the morning. He then jumps around and is really happy to see me at night. If it weren't for work, I'd love to keep him. But leaving him home all alone and lonely, I feel horrible. I lowered the price because I don't want him to be left alone due to the price. I will take the hit. Also, I will still give the remaining food and other materials I have.
Thanks guys.