NOTICE: No new content has been added since Animal Rescue Korea closed in 2014. Phone numbers, email addresses, shelter policies, and other details may be out of date. Information is kept for historical purposes only.
It has been a LOOOONG time coming, but now it is officially official! We have decided that Prince belongs no where else but with us. He doesn't seem to mind too much ;)
23 December 2013
Little Princey-Prince has now been officially diagnosed with chronic bronchitis. It has taken MONTHS of tests, medications, and treatments, but we have finally narrowed it down to that. He needs medication daily to help keep his coughing under control. We are going to look into getting a nebulizer for him at home to see if that will help him more than oral medications.
Prince was able to get a much needed dental cleaning thanks to Dr. Kwon at May Animal Hospital. They took wonderful care of Prince and his teeth, and surprisingly he didn't need any teeth pulled! Yay!
Prince is becoming a lot more tolerant to people. He is becoming quite curious and will take treats out of other people's hands! Prince loves seeing me when I come home. He runs around in circles with his huge pomie smile. It is amazing how much a loving home can change an animal. This time last year, no one could get anywhere near Prince. Heck! No one even knew if Prince was a male or female! Now, Prince completely trusts me. He lets me give him baths, trim his nails, brush out his fur, and even allows me to hold him when we are at the vets getting blood pulled. He still has a long way to go when it comes to other people, but he can do it! I know he can :)
19 September 2013
Poor little Prince has started coughing again. We have been running lots of tests to try to figure out exactly what is going on with this little guy. Our vet says that the X-rays of his chest seem to be normal and not classic signs of advance stage heart worm disease, but we will be running another heart worm test in a couple months to be absolutely positive. At this point, we are hoping it is just allergies.
Prince is about to have a HUGE week and a half coming up. He is going to go stay with a friend while I go on vacation. This is going to be a big test for Prince. He is going to have to rely on someone else besides me. I have a lot of faith that Prince is going to be great and prove to the world that he is a fabulous dog! Plus, he will be in heaven because he gets to spend time with Kyo (cat...did I mention how much Prince LOVES cats!) and another dog his size.
24 June 2013
I have just figured out how to upload videos to youtube and use it for his profile (I know...I'm a little slow with my technical skills :/). These are old videos, but they show you how far he has come from his shelter life.
17 June 2013
Alas! A much needed update on this awesome, little dude!
Prince is 110% healthy!!! I took Prince to see a specialist back on the first Saturday of May. We were concerned about the fact that Prince was still battling pneumonia and there was talk about him possibly being in the early stages of congestive heart failure. Thankfully, after quite a bit of tests run, we came to the conclusion that Prince just has a very weak immune system. We also learned that his heart is perfectly healthy other than having a bit of a lower heart rate (which is only notable if Prince is to be under anesthesia). So we gave Prince a little bit more medicine and some more time to heal. Now, Prince has fully recovered and LOVES to run around outside. His favorite thing to do is chase bugs that fly around him. It is so cute!
Prince is still a bit underweight and I am not too sure why. All of the vets I have seen say that he is underweight, but that it is not concerning yet. He has been given a broad spectrum dewormer as well as Interceptor once a month to rid his body of any internal parasites. He eats all of his food; he is currently on Orijen six fish, which he loves! I will be keeping a close eye on him for the time being.
Prince is still having a difficult time opening up to people. He is completely comfortable with me and he is okay with other people touching and petting, but ONLY if I am either touching or holding him. I have been working on having people pet him and be near him with out me touching him. Sometimes it works and he is okay, but more often than not he urinates and/or defecates himself. I feel horrible because I know he is just nervous about the situation and doesn't know how to handle it. We are getting there, but it will still take some time.
I always joke about how Prince would be perfect with a cat lady! He LOVES cats! I have randomly had him around different kinds of cats/kittens and even if the cats weren't too fond of him, he didn't care and was non threatening towards them. I believe that he thinks that he is a cat :) Prince likes dogs as well. However, he prefers dogs that are about his size or smaller. He still isn't too fond of my bigger girls (45lbs & 60lbs), but that is because they are both large and goofy.
Prince is probably one of the most goofy little dogs I have ever been around. He can be so obliviously happy when he feels like it, but can turn wary of his surroundings within a matter of seconds. He has this huge pomeranian smile that just screams ADORABLE as well as this little jumping bean personality. Prince just needs the right environment to show off his enthusiasm for life 24/7 and not just when I am around him.
27 April 2013
Prince has been feeling a bit under the weather, so his FauxMom has had him at the vet running some tests. Will update everyone on his health soon.
03 April 2013
Another "check" for wonder boy!
From Prince's FauxMom:
"Prince gets along with cats! Haha I brought him to work with me and he met Jacks (the most awesome cat in the whole wide world!) and they liked each other."
On the down side, poor boy currently has a mild case of pneumonia. :( Luckily for him and us, he is in good hands with a FauxMom who works in a vet office - BOOM, suck on that apple pneumonia!
15 March 2013
Prince has finally made it out of the shelter and into a foster home! We are so lucky that his favorite person and biggest supporter was able to bring him home to help rehabilitate him to the wonderful pup we know he can be.
He is still terrified of people with the exception of his foster mom, who he now seeks out for cuddle time. Here is what his foster mom had to say about him recently, " Prince has opened up SOOOOOO much! He seems so happy now. He has started to come find me and help him up on the bed or papasan chair He has taken to Gizmo. She gets irritated with him because he want's to be around her all the time, which means he is around me and Gizmo gets jealous But Prince doesn't mind. He always has such a big smile on his face."
Keep your eye on his page for more updates on his progress. We hope he will be ready for his forever family REAL SOON!
13 February 2013
Prince is miserable at the shelter. We moved him off of the hill where he had a large run to a small cage under shelter. We did this because he is a shy dog who is able to evade humans with a large enclosure and after 3 years on his own, we decided we needed to move him to a small cage so we could start working with him. One volunteer has put in countless hours with him and is now able to hold him comfortably. When she is not there, no one knows that Prince is even in one of the cages becuase he hides soooo far back in in house. A couple of times we have missed him on the feedings because we don't realize that there is even a dog in the pen and have to search for something else to feed him.
Having another dog will probably help him A LOT with learning socialization skills. I have found that having another dog to teach the shy and feral guys how to behave makes progress go a lot faster. Please consider fostering Prince and getting him ready for that perfect family. One visit per week from a volunteer is not enough to make enough progress to make him an adoption star!
30 December 2012
GREAT TIME TO FOSTER Prince! His favorite volunteer has been spending A LOT of time sitting with him in his tiny cage... hours! With just hours one time a week she has made HUGE improvements. For a dog who was completely feral for 3 years living up on a hill with no human contact, he has gone from allowing people to finally pet him, to FINALLY allowing Sasha to hold him. It was a really moving moment.
Just think how fast he could progress if he was in a home and was getting attention every day! PLEASE, PLEASE consider fostering Prince... it will be the thing to change his life! Also, it really is too cold for a little boy like him in the subzero temperatures. Small dogs die each winter from the cold. Don't let it be Prince.
If you are interested in fostering him, please email me at [email protected]
09 December 2012
Prince's number one fan came back this weekend to sit with him for A LONG time in his new pen. The two of them spent the majoirty of the time in the freezing cold sizing each other up, but by then end of the day, he was allowing people to pet him, scratch behind and in his ears and check his teeth. He is still not sure about being held and will thrash around and run back to his corner if picked up.
We were able to get a jacket on him to help with the cold, but it is below freezing as soon as the sun goes down and his hair is pretty thin at the moment. It would be great to get him into a a foster home with someone who is experienced in rehabing scared and skittish dogs. He will obviously be quite the handsome fella once in a home where he can get cleaned up and be given a well balanced diet that will allow his hair to grow in full and shiny!
Please, if you have the experience, time and space, please consider giving Prince a paw up in life and foster him! Details on fostering below!
Prince being touched for the first time in years!
03 December 2012
Thanks to Sasha D. for sponsoring Prince's Health Check, Mr. Park was able to take him to the vet yesterday. A PERFECTLY HEALTHY young man! He is heartworm negative, had a rabies shot and a round of DHLPP boosters! Please consider fostering Prince to get him out of the cold and start socializing him!
01 December 2012
Today we gave Prince some sedatives in order to catch him and move him to the small, lower, coverd pens. It is our hope that in the smaller pen, where he cannot run away, volunteers will be better able to work on socializing him. He is a very handsome dog and once he learns that people are not to be feared, he will be highly adoptable!
The volunteers who were able to move him, were able to hold him for a bit before putting him in his new pen. I look forward to the growing that he will be doing in the coming months.
If you have some free space and time, please consider fostering Prince. Fostering is one of the fastest ways to socialize a dog and in return to get them adopted into a loving and wonderful forever family.
November 2012
Prince is an extremely shy dog living in a large outdoor run by himself at Asan Animal Shelter. Volunteer currently know very little about this pup and our goal over the coming months is to get more information and to work on socializing the dog.
Please, we need volunteers to come to the shelter who have time specifically to sit in with Prince and work on his trust issues. With looks along, this dog could be highly adoptable if we can work on the socializing. So, bring a book and some treats and come on down!
If you are interetsed in adopting Prince, please fill out theadoption application completely, located here: and return to Clare Mills, [email protected].
Nov 18, 2012 09:43
Has anyone found out any more information about this prince(ss)? :)
Dec 03, 2012 02:24
He's a doll!
Dec 04, 2012 00:22
Heck yeah! Rock on, little dude :) Prince really is so sweet and he does want to trust people. However, it is going to take some time.
Dec 16, 2012 04:20
Does anyone know if Prince is okay with other dogs? Would it be better when socializing him if he had a doggy foster brother/sister? I'd love to foster him! :D
Mar 06, 2013 23:45
I just wanted to let everyone know that Prince has been with me in foster care for two weeks. He has been gaining more confidence as the days go on. He is now fully vaccinated, housetrained, crate trained, and walks well on a leash. He is smitten with my small dog, Gizmo. She can do anything to him like sit on him, give him kisses and snuggle up to him and he allows it. However, he still isn't too sure about my bigger ladies: Guinevere and Micha.
Prince gets to hang around the house with Gizmo and Guinevere and there haven't been any accidents yet. He is pretty wary of people still, but he is slowly opening up. He gets really excited when I come home from work or being out. He runs up to me and licks my hand, excited to go outside. He also arches his back like a cat when I pet him. He is just so adorable!
May 21, 2013 22:34
Soo...I've been the worst foster mom lately because I haven't updated everyone about my little super hero, Prince! HE IS HEALTHY!!!! I took Prince to see a specialist to see why he was taking so long to recover from his pneumonia. Thankfully, all of his tests came out great minus the fact that his immune system seemed to be low. We found out that he was not in the beginning stages of congestive heart failure and that with a little more medicine, Prince was going to be just fine. He has since been off of medication and is allowed to run around with my other dogs again.
While Prince was sick, he had to be separated from my other three dogs. Prince didn't mind, but he did regress a bit during that time. He always remained sweet with me, but he hid underneath the bed all day long. Now that he is better, we have had to put up gates and put away the dog cages to force him to interact with everyone. He is slowly getting there. He LOVES our papsan chairs! He snuggles all day with Gizmo and it's super cute! Another big accomplishment for Prince is that he actually eats his food when the other dogs do...and he comes running to his bowl, super excited, when I put it down! That is a HUGE difference from when I first brought Prince home. Prince used to wait until everyone was asleep before he would even touch his food. I am really ecstatic about his progress.
I've come to the conclusion that Prince is absolutely terrified of things that are bigger than him; hence his fear of people. He is slowly adjusting to that though. He is getting more comfortable around my bigger dogs as he is forced to share space with them.
Prince has also become a champ at walking on a leash. When I first took Prince outside on his harness, I am not sure who was more scared, Prince or myself. He was terrified of the leash attached to him and of me following him too closely, and I was terrified that he was going to somehow slip his harness and I would never see him again. Thankfully, that has all changed. We both feel comfortable on walks, and I can easily walk him with any of the other dogs as well! He loves to go outside and chase bugs that fly around him. He gets that big Pomeranian grin on his face and will start happily snapping at the bees and such that fly around his head. He then will usually turn back to me as if to say 'Hey, did you see me?!' He is just too cute.
This little dude has stolen my heart, and I know he can steal anyone's heart if they just take a chance on him!
May 21, 2013 22:40
awesome update!! Thanks so much! :)
Jun 17, 2013 05:19
You may not update much but you do give great updates when you get around to it!! :)
Jun 18, 2013 22:21
His photos make me smile a BIG smile! Thank you Sasha! I am so glad you took him home and I am so glad he is so healthy now!! YAY!!
Jun 18, 2013 22:24
I was trying to upload some videos, but it looks like I don't have enough internet right now :) Hahaha! I will update with videos later on today :)
Aug 30, 2013 06:39
Hello. I just sent an email with the application to the posted contact addresses. Wonder if we can meet anytime soon^^