Ana PuGae Animal Hospital (아나푸게동물병원)

About This Clinic: 

There are 2 veterinarians located at this University Animal Hospital; one of them specializes in internal medicine while the other specializes in external. The vet assistants don't speak English but are wonderful with animals. The veterinarians themselves can understand English well (please speak slow and simply; there won't be a problem then!) and speak some English back (enough to explain basically). They do blood work although some tests need to be sent to an outside lab (which can take a few days).

Personal experience: both of my dogs needed surgeries done here and I was instantly impressed with their thoroughness in care and, between my broken Korean and their broken English, they were always so patient to make sure I understood what would happen and needed to be done. The vet assistants really take their time with the dogs and you can tell every one of them loves animals.

Products and Services Offered:


광주광역시 북구 용봉동 1402-6 Gwangju, Gwangyeoksi, Buk-gu, Yongbong-dong (This is located near Cheonnam National University near the side gate)
Business Hours: 
M-F 9am-7pm and Saturdays 10am-5pm
English Ability: 