NOTICE: No new content has been added since Animal Rescue Korea closed in 2014. Phone numbers, email addresses, shelter policies, and other details may be out of date. Information is kept for historical purposes only.
This is for Percy.
Love, like you've never been hurt.
사랑하라, 한 번도 상처받지 않은것 처럼.
Meet gorgeous Percy.
Poor Percy was abandoned at a shelter in Busan but is now residing at Asan. He came to Asan in a bad shape, with some serious festering wounds, but after a trip to the vets it was revealed that fur matts amassed around his backside were collecting his poo and had created some pretty nasty skin infections. Poor Percy wasn't groomed daily as Persian cats should be.
Percy's wounds have been cleaned up and he is now on an iv and taking some medications to help with his recovery. Percy seems to be in good spirits, is alert and spritely and has a good appetite. He LOVES ATTENTION and couldn't stop nuzzling my hand or purring when I met him. It was so heartbreaking to see him like this so it would be so wonderful to find this friendly affectionate guy a FOSTER HOME ASAP so he can rest in a more stable environment, get help with his treatment and receive some much needed tlc.
If you are interested in fostering this cat
please read the Asan Cat Fostering Guidelines first ( and send a completed application form, available here (
to Suyoun ([email protected]) and Daisy ([email protected])
If you're interested in ADOPTING this cat
please read the ARK Adoption Process guidelines and send a completed adoption application form ( to Suyoun ([email protected]) and Daisy ([email protected])
*Update 9th September 2013 by Suyoun Kim
FINALLY Percy met mom and dad!!!!
Cogratulations Percy.
Korean mom and dad living in Seoul have adopted Percy on 8th September.
Foster mom took him to the forever home by herself. Percy will be happy forever with mom and dad.
2013년 9월 9일 업데이트(김수연)
금복이가 종로에 사는 엄마 아빠를 만나게 되었습니다.
2번의 미팅을 통해 너무나도 좋으신 분들 임을 확인 했고, 금복이는 아팠던 지난날을 잊고 행복한 미래만 생각하며 살 수 있을 것입니다.
금복이의 치료를 위해 도와주신 분들께 감사드리며, 금복이의 행복한 모습을 계속해서 전해드리도록 하겠습니다.
*Update 21st August 2013 by Suyoun Kim
Finally his hair is growing up!
Just wait and see, I guess he will turn up his original hair all over the body.
I'm going to update his new pictures soon!
*2013년 8월 21일 업데이트(김수연)
금복이의 상처 부위에 더이상 털이 나지 않을 것이라고 들었는데 아니네요^^
털이 자라고 있습니다.
부숭부숭하게 자라고 있으니 조금만 기다리면 완벽한 페르시안 친칠라의 모습을 갖출 것 같네요.
*Updated 25th July 2013 by Suyoun Kim
Percy is staying at a foster home in Anyang city near Seoul.
His back is getting better and infection in his belly has been fixed. :)
He went to the vet becuase of his a nail was broken and treated well.
The vet said his back could be no hair in his life but it's no matter to him. :)
Also his neck is a littel twisted to the left side. The vet said it came from his ear problem and it would be permenant thing.
But Percy feels no pain with them.
*2013년 7월 25일 업데이트(김수연)
퍼시의 한국 이름은 금복이에요. 안양에 있는 임보 엄마집에서 지내고 있어요.
구더기 끓던 부분은 아무래도 모근까지 다 갉아먹어서 털이 안날 수 있다고 합니다.
사람 보기만 그렇지 아이는 생활에 불편함 없다고 하네요.
중성화 부위, 염증 부위는 잘 아물었고 발톱도 항생제 복용하며 치료중입니다.
고개가 약간 돌아간거는 귀에 이상이 있을 것으로 예상이 되는데 영구적일 가능성이 높아 특별히 검사는 해보지 않았습니다.
이것도 아이가 사는게 특별히 불편하지 않을것이라고 합니다.
2013년 7월 13일 토요일 금복이 입원(안양동물병원 : 염증치료+중성화)
2013년 7월 15일 월요일 금복이 퇴원(임보처 이동 : 안양 이원빈 집)
2013년 7월 18일 목요일 금복이 병원(안양동물병원 : 호스 제거)
2013년 7월 21일 일요일 금복이 병원(인덕원동물병원 : 발톱 갈라져 피남, 안양에서 쓰던 항생제동일하게 복용)
Jul 07, 2013 23:23
Percy is sick but looks happy.
I needed to update a picture of his back. there was a problem inside in his back while he couldn't be brushed when he abandoned.(There were maggots inside in his back and it was getting into his skin.:( )
By the way he is getting better. :)
(he get an antibiotic shot everyday.)
퍼시의 한국 이름은 금복이 입니다. 금복이는 부산의 한 보호소에서 제인월드로 왔어요.
처음에는 몰랐는데, 제인할배님이 자세히 보시고는 털 속에 구더기들이 살을 파먹고 있는걸 발견하셨답니다.
그래서 털을 밀고 생식기 주변을 치료중이에요. 금복이는 잘 견뎌내고 있습니다.
그리고 금복이는 고개가 약간 돌아가 있어요. 사진속에 갸우뚱 하는 모습이 금복이의 평소 모습이라고 보시면 됩니다.
하지만 생활에 큰 불편함은 없어 보여요.
사람을 너무 좋아하고 따르고 얌전하고 착합니다. 아직 중성화가 되어있지 않아서 상처 치료 후에는 검사를 받고 중성화를 해야할 것 같아요.
너무나도 사랑스러운 금복이는 따뜻하게 보살펴 줄 엄마 아빠를 기다립니다.
Jul 07, 2013 21:16
Oh, poor sweet dear! Poor little Percy deserves an absolutely wonderful home after going through what he's gone through! :)
Jul 08, 2013 20:06
Oh man. It sounds like he's getting a lot better, though!
Jul 15, 2013 05:27
Percy went to the vet in Anyang city on the last Sat(13th July)
He had bloody pus in belly and it was needed a surgery to insert a hose into belly.
So I asked the vet wether he could get neuter surgery at the same time.(because Percy needed to be under anesthesia for curing bloody pus.) The vet allowed it and he got two surgeries on Sat.
I visited him on Sunday and had time with him for 5 hours. hehe
He looked good and ate well.
one curious thing was he stop eating and watching the guy when they went into the vet.
whenever a guy came into the vet, Percy stop doing something and watching the guy.
I guess Percy had a guy as an owner before... it made me so sad.
Percy stayed at the vet two days and I'm going to pick him up to a foster home today.
After remove the hose in his belly, I'm going to stay with him in my house until he finds a foster or forever home.
this forster home and my home are crowded with over four cats. haha
It's no matter if they get along together, but my two cats are 11 years old and they are so sensitive. I'm little worried about it.
Percy is really adorable and like people. I've never seen he yelled toward the other cats.
Now he is neutered, under the curing well.
everything is going alright.
Ah, his neck is turned to the one side and the vet said it seems came from ears problem.
but not need to be check right now becuase Percy is looked like stable on it.
I'm going to update more pictures of him at a foster home.
So lovely cat! I can't wait to meet him!
퍼시(금복이)는 지금 안양동물병원에 있습니다.
토요일(13일)날 병원에서 염증부위에 호스삽입하는 시술과 중성화를 같이 했습니다.(마취가 필요한 시술이어서 하는김에 중성화를 같이 해달라고 했어요. 구더기가 있던 하부는 거의 치료가 완료가 된 상태라 수의사 선생님이 가능하다고 하셨기에 진행했습니다.)
일요일날은 제가 6시간 정도 같이 있으면서 간식도 먹고 오줌도 싸고 잘 놀았습니다.
그런데 젊은 남자만 들어오면 캔을 먹다가도 한참을 쳐다보더라구요. 아무래도 전 주인이 젊은 남자가 아니었을까 싶습니다.
그 모습을 보면서 참 슬펐고 화도 났습니다.
금복이는 오늘 퇴원이 가능하다고해서 호스는 껴있는 상태로 임시보호집에 갈거에요. (넓은 철장에서 지낼꺼에요. 다른 고양이들이 그루밍할 수 있어서요) 그리고 호스를 뽑고 저희집으로 옮겨서 임보처나 입양처를 계속해서 알아볼 예정입니다.
저희집이나 임보처나 고양이가 4마리, 5마리씩 있는 상태고 저희 고양이들은 11살로 나이가 많아서 살짝 걱정이 됩니다.
최대한 빨리 좋은 임보처나 입양처가 나타났으면 좋겠네요^^
Jul 17, 2013 23:18
I met him yesterday(17th July).
so far, so good.
he is really getting better faster than I expected. :)
Jul 17, 2013 23:49
Has he been tested/ does he show any signs of FIP or Feline Herpes?
Jul 18, 2013 01:52
Actually he hasn't done any test.
He stayed at the shelter more than 3 weeks(in my memory) and no problems with eating, pooping, etc.
also the vet didn't recommend me to do test.
Percy has symptom of Herpes, eye gum. that's all and not serious so the vet gave me eye drops and a foster gives him it tow or three times a day.
I just met the vet during lunch time with Percy.
He was removed the hose and not need to see the vet anymore. Yay! :)
Jul 22, 2013 04:41
*Updated 21st July 2013.
Percy met the vet on Sunday because one of his nail has been broken.
So he was treated and too some medicine.(same kind of antibiotic when he took at the previous vet.)
He's going to be alright.
About his skin problem, his pore of the skin looks dead so his under could be no hair.
It's not serious for him to live.
Actually his neck is twisted a little.
That's from the organ of balace in his ear. The vet said it would be a permanent thing for's so sad.
However, he doens't get hurt with it. also looks so cute. :)
Jul 21, 2013 22:42
You are wonderful with updates! Thank you!! :)
Jul 22, 2013 02:02
haha Thanks,
I'm not good at English so I need a dictionary when I update information. hahahaha
Thanks to understand my poor English. I'm happy. :)
Jul 25, 2013 00:02
As you watching, Percy is cured very quickly day in and day out. :)
Jul 25, 2013 00:05
He's looking SO much better (and likely feeling a bunch better too)! :)
Jul 25, 2013 00:15
Yes right, He is getting better faster than we expected. :)
He loves people so when a foster mom working at the office calls him through the internet camera, he stands up right away and answer toward the camera! haha What a lovely cat. so cute.
Jul 29, 2013 10:28
His scar has beeb cured perfectly. Check it out below pictures.
His under skin also has been fixed. It's time to meet a mom and dad!
He gets along with dogs and people, young kittens. :)
Jul 29, 2013 10:57
He is looking so beautiful! Thank you so much!! :)
Jul 30, 2013 01:36
He always makes sounds Grrrrrr while he is beside a foster mom.
Jul 31, 2013 00:32
Oh Suyoun and Wonbin, THANK YOU SO MUCH for taking great care of Percy! He's recovering so well! What an adorable kitty! You're updates are fantastic! Fingers crossed that his forever family isn't too far away! :)
Aug 01, 2013 22:30
1st August, 2013 at a foster home.
He fought with a cat living with fosater mom yesterday.
Actually Percy got along with YamYamy at a shelter, also Shark too.
But he is having hard time with the other cats in a foster home, so he have to be seperated with other cats in the other room now. :(
Please look at this lovely cat and be a forever mom or dad of him.
He is okay to stay alone. I think he is going to be a good friend for you if you feel lonely.
Aug 20, 2013 22:51
21st August.
He looks normal now. :)
Everything is fine and he is ready to get a forever home!
Aug 20, 2013 22:52
What a cutie!!!
He really likes people. if you adopt him, he will get along with you and your friends!
Aug 22, 2013 21:17
Look at me! I'm super adorable!!!!
Sep 08, 2013 21:14
forever mom and dad, Percy. :)
happy forever all together.
Sep 08, 2013 21:22
Aww! Congratulations little Percy!
Sep 12, 2013 23:11
Percy is doing well in forever home. :)
What a happiness... Thanks all.
Sep 15, 2013 22:32
Congratulations Percy on finding your new home! Ahhhh, these pictures make me so happy, I can hear his purring! His family is very lucky to have him. Percy has been through so much these past months but looking at him now makes me feel it was like all a bad dream. Thank you to everyone that gave their time and assistance to helping Percy; it really goes to show that a little love goes a long way! Only the best wishes for you Percy.
Sep 15, 2013 23:35
Thanks for the picture updates!! He is looking great! :)
Oct 09, 2013 22:29
Percy's parent sent some pictures to Wonbin.
He became a mascot in their work place.(Parent is working for metal craft so they have their own work place. Percy is living in there with a parent.)
Everyone visit there to meet Percy. He is really adorable and poeple can't stop playing with him.
I'll update happy news for Percy again.
Oct 09, 2013 23:31
Yay Percy!!!!! This has made my day! So happy for him!
Oct 10, 2013 00:12
That's wonderful! Such a darling. :)
Nov 01, 2013 05:10
Thanks! Thanks! Thanks!!!
That's only word I can say.
Look gorgeous Percy. He is enjoying his new life in the forever home.
He has been rescued from the killed room and had serious infection.
Only people could change his life.
This is a miracle for him and us. Thanks all.
(his parent works for metal craft, so there are serveral machines for it. But he doesn't touch them.)
Jan 09, 2014 03:53
9th January, 2014
Percy is doing great~!
Now he is a fat cat. :)
Jan 09, 2014 04:00
He looks very content. :)