Please help Captain, Pilot and Snippy get healthy!

The three fighters, Captain, Pilot and Snippy, need your help!

We suspect that these babies lost their mama when they were just a few weeks old. They were left in an abandoned building

all alone.

Sick, starving, cold and covered in dirt and mites they did not stand a chance to survive the winter.

Since November the 7th I took them into my house until we can find them permanent homes. The fourth kitten, Charlie, was unfortunately too sick and died the following week. It was touch and go with Snippy too, but she held on to life and pulled through. They are little balls of love and would make excellent companion animals.

In the past I have taken care of their vet bills but simply can't afford it now. They need medication and special shampoo to treat their skin condition (which is highly contagious) get their ears cleaned (ear mites) and to be de-wormed.

If only 15 people each donate 10 000 won then that would be enough to help me get them to the vet for treatment.

My account details:
W. Jacobs
NH bank
Account number: 3020 5511 96 401
Please e-mail me when you make a donation: [email protected]

Thank you for all your support and love!
Willemien Jacobs.

Tags: donation, kittens


Miena's picture

Here is some photos of the babies~

Magdalena82's picture

I've donated ₩30,000 to the cause!

Miena's picture

Thank you so much! <3 Appreciate it from the bottom of my heart!

Miena's picture

Thank you so much! <3 We are now at 90 000 won. We need to reach 150 000~ so please help out if you can.

Miena's picture

We stand now at 120 000 won :D Thank you <3 only 30 000 won to go :D

Miena's picture

A million times thank you, we made the target! The kittens will be taken to the vet tomorrow :D