NOTICE: No new content has been added since Animal Rescue Korea closed in 2014. Phone numbers, email addresses, shelter policies, and other details may be out of date. Information is kept for historical purposes only.
UPDATE: Hindong went into foster care last week, and he's doing great!
Pepper is a friendly and fun-loving dog. He has been at Dajeon Paws for about three years now, and he always has a happy waggy-tailed welcome for visitors. I think of him as the head of the welcoming committee ;) He loves being around people so much that I really can't understand why he hasn't been adopted yet. Like many of the other dogs in the shelter, Mrs. Jung bought him from her neighbors when she heard that they planned to butcher him for meat. If I didn't already have 3 dogs, I'd bring him home in a heartbeat. You couldn't ask for a pet with a friendlier, sunnier personality. You can check the link to a listing for Pepper on the old version of the ARK website here:
If you are interested in adopting Pepper, please let me know. He would certainly love to meet you!
Jan 14, 2012 06:03
Pepper looking as handsome as ever! I can't believe he still hasn't been adopted...Such a great dog!
Mar 08, 2012 05:32
Someone interested in adopting Pepper came to the shelter last Sunday to meet him. If all goes according to plan, he will be back this weekend to bring Pepper home! Keep your fingers crossed for this great little dog...
Mar 12, 2012 11:21
Pepper is still waiting...
Mar 13, 2012 01:00
Are they going to take him? He's really a great dog! My favorite at Daejeon!
Mar 13, 2012 01:28
I guess not. Oh well. I'm sure it's just a matter of time before the right person comes along.
Mar 16, 2012 10:02
Some new pictures of Pepper
May 29, 2012 07:26
is pepper still up for adoption?
May 29, 2012 07:43
Yes, unfortunately, he is. Two times, people have gone through the process of applying to adopt him, got approval, and then at the last minute, decided not to go through with it. No call, no email, no nothing. Very disheartening. Pepper is an amazing sweet little dog. A friend is considering fostering him, but adoption would be even better! Please send me an email if you or someone you know might be interested in adopting him. Thanks!
Aug 30, 2012 09:37
Hi Deborah, I'd love to come and meet Pepper, Bali and Ogy. I've sent you an e-mail. (-:
Nov 18, 2012 04:11
This guy is sooo amazing. I can't believe he's still there. If he weren't a dude and my neighbors weren't jerks I would've walked off with this dog. He's like a fluffy teddy bear. Please consider him :)
Jan 19, 2013 07:40
How much does he weight? What kind of terrier is he?
Jan 20, 2013 04:26
I'm not sure how much he weighs, but he's bigger than a lap dog. He's probably around 10 to 12 kilos. He some kind of terrier mix, but what that is, I don't know. For sure, he has none of the aggression that some terrier breeds have. He's super friendly and playful. I have no idea why he hasn't been adopted yet except that maybe he's too big for most people who are looking for a small cute dog.
Apr 26, 2013 20:47
oh dear God he is so cute!!
Feb 05, 2014 07:25
Hindong's foster carer decided that he just couldn't imagine him going to another home, so today it's official! Hindong/Pepper has been adopted! :)