NOTICE: No new content has been added since Animal Rescue Korea closed in 2014. Phone numbers, email addresses, shelter policies, and other details may be out of date. Information is kept for historical purposes only.
Chewy’s parents are being unexpectedly and quickly transferred to Japan, and would love to find him a Forever Home or at least a Foster Home, to avoid having to surrender him to a shelter. They rescued him out of a box from a “street vendor” pet seller in December, and love him dearly and have tried to find a solution to their dilemma, but feel forced to try to re-home him. Since they cannot take him to Japan, they seek at least some peace of mind in trying to find him a new home.
Chewy is approximately 7 months old. He is neutered and up to date on all shots. Medical record book is available. He loves to sit on your lap to love on you, or play with a chew toy, and knows basic commands.
He is not completely potty trained outdoors yet but does well with doggie pads. (He was an apt dog and could not take him out in the winter.) He does go outside when on walks and is getting the hang of using the outside potty.
Like most MinPins, Chewy can be very excitable, especially when playing. He loves to go for walks and/or run.
Will be honest and say he needs plenty to chew on, i.e. bones. Have been continually trying to correct this and he is doing better!
Chewy has had more exposure to adults than children, but seems to like everyone just fine. He has not met many other dogs, but since he is very friendly and outgoing, he does fine after proper introductions.
Chew comes from a loving family who have always wanted what is best for him. They are truly sad they feel forced to surrender him.
Crate, dog bed, blankets, and chew toys will accompany Chewy to his new home.