
Fostering 101 - Article by Guest Contributor
Foster kitten
Fostering, or temporarily caring for a homeless pet, is a wonderful way to help Korean animals. It is ideal for expats who cannot adopt animals here but miss their cats/dogs back home. The animal... read more
Moving boxes, empty shelves and dog
Landlord issues are sadly common in Korea for those with pets. There are many cases where tenants are allowed to have a pet, then the landlord simply reneges their permission later. Sometimes... read more
Before You Adopt - Article by Karen
Adoption is a promise to care for an animal for his or her entire lifetime-- when she gets sick, when you change apartments, jobs, or country, when you get married or have kids-- not just while you... read more
Kittens for adoption in Jeonju, South Korea
My new home has a GARDEN!! My new home has a GARDEN!!