
Chained dog in muddy yard
When I see a chained or caged dog these days, I’m no longer surprised. My heart still aches for every one. Luckily, I’ve had the chance to get a couple off their chains, but even if I can’t rescue... read more
"Getting Rid Of" a Beloved Pet - Article by jejudogs
Marmalade cat at a Jeju animal shelter
A word of advice to those out there who are not able to keep their pets, for whatever reason. Please don't say that you have to "get rid of" your cat or dog, rabbit or hamster, etc. Whenever I first... read more
Dogs in the Countryside - Article by Piotr
Chained dog and dog house
August was quite a humid and warm month in Korea. It was also a very wet month. At times it would rain for a whole week with only a slight pause. Such was the week of August 5th. I joined a friend to... read more
Piper and her mop head! Look at me now!
how can you not love that face <3 July 16, 2012
Adopt me!