NOTICE: No new content has been added since Animal Rescue Korea closed in 2014. Phone numbers, email addresses, shelter policies, and other details may be out of date. Information is kept for historical purposes only.
Oct 9, 2012 -
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Thank You ✦ 5 comments
Alice wandered into Wonderland....well, actually a parking garage up north in Dongducheon. A friend took pity and started feeding her, noting her poor condition. She is SUPER friendly and sweet, but very skinny, dirty, and hungry. After posting some pictures, other volunteers noticed that her belly was very round, so of course we all suspected she must be pregnant.
Oct 8, 2012 -
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Thank You ✦ 5 comments
Hi everybody, many of you I'm sure are aware of my foster kitty Edward who passed away a little over a week ago. I received Edward from his owner two weeks ago because she simply didn't want him anymore and most likely could not deal with the idea of a sick cat. His owner gave ARK volunteers an ultimatum of taking the cat back within days or she would have taken him to a shelter.
Oct 7, 2012 -
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Lost and Found ✦ 23 comments
HELLO! PLEASE HELP. I was found alongside a busy street in Eastern Daegu. the girl who found me lives in a dorm and she cannot keep me here. MONDAY October 8 is the LAST DAY I can stay here!!! She does not want to send me to a shelter, she wants me to find a loving home. I am sweet and loving- I don't know my history, but I would LOVE to meet a new family.
Oct 7, 2012 -
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Happy Tails ✦ 3 comments
Ginger has lived at KAPS for the past five years. She's always been a volunteer favorite, and we've been advocating for her and other "forgottens" at the KAPS shelter to find their forever home for ages.
Sep 25, 2012 -
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Pet Travel ✦ 6 comments
I am in the planning stages of a move back to the US. I have been in Korea for 3 years. I brought my Golden Retriever over here with me, and we bought a cat through Rescue Korea while here. We would like to take both pets back to the US with us. The move won't be for a while. Any suggestions? Thanks.
Sep 21, 2012 -
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General ✦ 13 comments
Around 4 or 5 months ago, I found a tiny kitten starving in an alley on Jindo. I took him home where he almost immediately bonded with me and my dog, Alexis. Not long after, I adopted another dog, Chloe. Not long after that, I decided to foster two more kittens, Quint and Brody, the same age as my own. Recently, I found a family who wants to adopt all three kittens.
Sep 14, 2012 -
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Thank You ✦ 23 comments
27 Sept 2012:
THANK YOU!! Today I received a large donation which EXACTLY reached our goal for Nobu's surgeries and took my breath away at the same time. I am so touched by everyone's generosity and simply cannot thank you enough. THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!!
Sep 13, 2012 -
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Thank You ✦ 16 comments
It sickens me to have to write a story like this. Last night i recieved a call to come and help a puppy. I went and found this tiny little white body curled up in a box. He had diarreah and was malnurished. Did not respond to me or food at all. Due to the language barrier i was not able to get his full story. Not until i picked him up this morning to got to the vet.
Sep 12, 2012 -
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General ✦ 8 comments
this is zsa zsa 2 years old.. i saw a korean lady with this poor dog . the dog is inside the box and has a chain on her neck .the chain is very rust and big for her neck. she is very dirty and smelly. she looks scared and hungry..i try to touch her she looks very scared.
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